The CMS detector system administrator have made public today this new sign. It has been found at the P5 CMS experiment site. No previous warning or information from CERN safety team was made before. I guess they believed the sign was quite specific :D
The sysadmins are now crossing emails discussing about it and about its implications. One of the real emails being sent around says:
"Have we got icinga checks for the coffee machines ? To check water
pressure, coffee level etc etc..."
So there might be already plans for an important monitoring of the coffee conditions.
This is not really an issue to joke about, as we all know the importance of the coffee supplies at the CERN control rooms. Real eLog entries sent around by the detector shift crew in critical data taking conditions are of the kind of (yes, some were so hilarious that I saved the emails :D)
- 30 August 2011 12:20 : No sandwiches +Coffee machine down:
Situation getting critical.
- 28 July 2011 23:14 : Owl shift Jul 28-29
ps: RFMs: PLEASE make sure there is enough water, coffee,
cups, and particularly sugar, this is part of your
responsibility and paramount to shift morale!!!!!
- 24 July 2011 06:00 : COFFEE CARD left with only 13 coffees
Please refill it in order to keep a very high efficiency
of the shift crew
- 20 July 2011 23:16 : AND THERE IS NO COFFEE CARD
see subject. Riots/Strike to be expected in near future.
- 19 November 2010 21:19 :
HELP! the night is going to be very long.... our coffee card is gone missing after 20:00 and we are left with a few capsules of "caffe espresso leggero"! Please take it back.