Thursday, April 7, 2016

Doing the Lemur at CERN!

We are enjoying few nice days of sun here and CERN lemurs are really enjoying it! Some days you can just have a coffee break in one of the CERN restaurants and embrace the sun with your arms open, like these lemurs do...

And also these other ones

 Some people is even doing the lemur on top of the CERN superconductive dipole magnets!!!

Life is good here at CERN when sun shines...

1 comment:

  1. Listen...

    What I'm going to tell you may sound a little weird, maybe even a little "out there..."

    WHAT if you could simply click "PLAY" to LISTEN to a short, "musical tone"...

    And INSTANTLY attract MORE MONEY into your life?

    And I'm really talking about hundreds... even thousands of dollars!

    Sound too EASY? Think it couldn't possibly be REAL?!?

    Well, I'll be the one to tell you the news.

    Many times the most significant miracles life has to offer are the easiest to RECEIVE!

    In fact, I'm going to PROVE it to you by allowing you to PLAY a real-life "miracle abundance tone" I've synthesized...

    You simply press "PLAY" and watch as your abundance angels fly into your life... starting almost INSTANTLY...

    TAP here now to enjoy the mysterious "Miracle Money Sound Frequency" - it's my gift to you!
